Monday, March 30, 2009

A gift for a little friend

A little friend was christened yesterday. Here's what I made for her.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday market

Today I dream of going to the Friday market in Carpentras.
And walking pass the poppy fields on my way in to town.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Kiwanis doll


My son had to remove his appendix, and in hospital he was given a Kiwanis doll. It's a doll with no face, no hair or no clothes. I promised I'd help paint a face and make clothes for the doll. Well, that was almost four years ago, and the blank doll has surficed every now and then from all the other toys.
Last week my son brought the doll into my studio and put a piece of red fabric on its head. That was all I needed to make this little sailer boy come to life. My son thinks it was about time.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My kitchen table this morning

The creamer and flower pot are fleamarked finds. The old wooden tray is made by my grandfather. The Spring Snowflakes are from the garden.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Våren er her

Blåveisknoppene presser seg opp gjennom visne blad og gress. De vil opp i sola. Det er vår! Denne heter Hepatica Transsylvanica, og det er pappa som har plantet den i hagen min.
My dad planted this Hepatica Transsylvanica in my garden.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I fjor hadde jeg store planer om å sy påskeharer, og kjøpte inn rikelig med filt. Påsken kom og gikk, og filten lå like fint på hylla i syrommet.
Men for noen dager siden fikk jeg øye på den, og da måtte jeg bare lage disse søte harene. De kan brukes som eggevarmere eller bare som pynt.
Vi er bare to eggespisere i familien, så jeg har noen til overs. Her står de i kø og lurer på om de skal få havne i en ny og spennende familie.
I've been planning to make these easter bunnies for more than a year. Now they're finally done. They are all hoping to find a new family. SOLD OUT